The most popular recipes
- PureSpelt wholemeal bread with honey
- PureSpelt sourdough bread
- PureSpelt wholemeal bread with grain mash
- Rustic PureSpelt Zopf with scalded grain (Brühstück)
- PureSpelt baguettes
- PureSpelt Herb Knöpfli (little dumplings)
- PureSpelt spoon-shaped rolls
- PureSpelt wholemeal rolls (mütschli)
- PureSpelt pastry man (Grittibänz) with grain mash
Monthly recipe
PureSpelt Baguette (long fermentation))Quick to prepare, the dough is then left to mature and rest in the fridge for 2 days until you have the time to bake it. Simply shape the dough tightly, let it relax, then bake until crispy. The baguette tastes wonderfully flavourful with side dishes, or just by itself.