PureSpelt Lenten bread
Preliminary time: approx. 3 hours
Preparation time: approx. 45 minutes
Baking or cooking time: approx. 12 minutes
For 10-12 bread pieces

Leavened dough
500 g of PureSpelt half-white or white flour
2 teaspoons of salt
15 g of crumbled yeast
150 g of butter, cold and cut into pieces
Approx. 2 dl of milk
The yolk of one egg beaten with 1 tablespoon of milk, a small amount of caraway seeds, cumin or sea salt
For the dough, mix together the flour and salt, form a trough in the flour. Add the yeast, butter and milk and briefly knead to form a soft, smooth dough. Cover the mixing bowl and leave to rise at room temperature for 2-3 hours until it has doubled in volume. Punch down the dough several times during this period.
Cut the dough into 10-12 equal pieces and roll out the pieces on a lightly floured surface to form ovals approximately 7 mm thick. Lay the ovals on a baking paper lined baking tray. Make four cuts approximately 4 cm long in each dough oval and pull the dough slightly apart so that the cuts are opened. Leave to rise for a further 20-30 minutes.
Before baking the bread pieces, brush the dough with egg yolk and sprinkle with a few caraway seeds, cumin or sea salt.
Bake the Lenten bread pieces in the middle of an oven pre-heated to 220°C for 10-12 minutes. Remove the baking tray from the oven and serve the bread either lukewarm or fully cooled.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder