PureSpelt Mother's Day roses
Preliminary time: approx. 24 hours
Preparation time: approx. 45 minutes
Baking or cooking time: approx. 30 minutes
For some 36 roses with a baking tray of approximately 22 x 30 cm

Grain mash
1.7 dl of water
130 g of PureSpelt half-white flour with
20% grist
500 g of PureSpelt semi-white or white flour
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
2 tablespoons of vanilla sugar
1 tablespoon of cardamom, ground
10 g of yeast, crumbled
2.75 dl of milk
50 g of butter
75 g of honey
A little icing sugar for dusting
For the grain mash, bring the water to the boil, add it to the flour while boiling hot, stirring continuously. Continue stirring until the mixture is smooth and compact. Allow the mash to cool down. Cover the mixing bowl and place in the refrigerator overnight.
For the dough, mix together the flour, salt, vanilla sugar and cardamom. Stir in the yeast, milk, butter and honey. Add the mash and knead briefly to form a smooth, soft dough. Cover the dough and allow it to rise for 3-4 hours at room temperature or in a cooler place overnight. Punch down the dough several times during this period.
Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface until it is 3-4 mm thick. Cut out 36 discs and place 3 of these, overlapping, on the lightly floured surface. Roll up the 3 discs from the narrow side to form a roll. Cut the roll in half across the middle and press the two pieces back together lightly at the cut so that the rose petals open slightly on the opposite side. Place the rose in the tray lined with baking paper. Repeat this with the remaining discs until the whole baking tray is covered with the roses. Cover the baking tray and leave the roses to rise for about 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 230°C. Place the baking tray in the lower half of the preheated oven and reduce the oven temperature to 190°C. Bake the roses for 25-30 minutes, remove them from the oven and allow to cool. Dust with icing sugar before serving.
What else is needed:
1 round cookie cutter of approx. 8.5 cm diameter
Baking paper for lining the tray
The PureSpelt Mother's Day roses taste delicious spread with butter or mascarpone cheese and honey, jam or lemon curd.
Ideal for serving with tea or coffee.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder