PureSpelt Porridge Bread
Preliminary time: approx. 6 hours rising time
Preparation time: approx. 30 min
Baking or cooking time: approx. 40 min
35 cm rectangular baking form (loaf pan)

300 g leftover cooked porridge, cold
500 g PureSpelt flour, half-white or whole wheat (Ruchmehl)
1 1/2 tsp salt
10 g yeast, crumbled
50 g butter, cold, in pieces
ca. 250 ml milk
2 tbsp oats, to garnish
Dough: In a large bowl, mix the porridge, flour, salt, yeast, butter and milk. Knead briefly, until it forms a soft, smooth dough. Cover and let rise for about 3-4 hours, occasionally folding the dough and pressing out the air.
Once the dough has risen, roll it into a loaf the length of your baking form. Place it in the greased baking form. Let the dough rise for an additional 1-2 hours, so that it reaches the edge of the baking form. Brush the bread with a little water and sprinkle the oats on top.
Preheat the oven to 200 °C. Bake the bread in the lower part of the oven for about 40-45 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool on a cooling rack.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder