PureSpelt Scalded Grain (Brühstück)
Preliminary time: 6-8 hours or overnight
Preparation time: approx. 5 minutes
makes 300 g scalded grain (Brühstück)

PureSpelt Scalded Grain
130 g PureSpelt flour e.g.white, half-white, dark, wholegrain, a flour mix with grist, or another PureSpelt flour mix
170 g water
Place the flour in a bowl. Boil the water, then pour the boiling water into the flour while stirring with a spoon or ladle; stir well, but only briefly. Cover the mixture and let cool ideally for about 6-8 hours or in the refrigerator overnight.
After this resting time, the scalded grain can be added to the rest of the ingredients for a yeasted dough (made from approx 500 g PureSpelt flour), folded in and worked into the dough. Let rise again, occasionally stretching and folding the dough, then form into your desired shape and bake.
Scalded grain brings more moisture into the bread. The crumb becomes more elastic and it’s easier to slice and spread things onto.
During the pre-soaking the enzymes are activated, then during baking more digestible sugars (Maltose) are available. The bread develops a dark crust, and becomes crispy and wonderfully flavourful.
Bread made with scalded grain keeps longer.
You can make a larger amount of scalded grain, portion it, and store it in the refrigerator for 4-5 days or in the freezer for 2-3 months.
Additionally, breads prepared with scalded grain can be easier to digest.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder