PureSpelt Zopf with Scalded Grain (Brühstück)
Preliminary time: approx. 24 hours
Preparation time: approx. 40 minutes
Baking or cooking time: approx. 45 minutes
makes 2 loaves

Scalded Grain (Brühstück)
260 g water
200 g white or half-white PureSpelt flour
800 g white or half-white PureSpelt flour
3 tbsp salt
5-10 g fresh yeast, crumbled
approx. 450 ml milk
75 g butter, in pieces
a little PureSpelt flour for dusting,
or half an egg, whisked, and 1-2 tbsp black sesame seeds
Scalded grain: Boil the water, then pour the boiling water into the flour while stirring constantly; continue to stir until the mixture is smooth and compact. Allow the mixture to cool, cover, and place in the refrigerator overnight.
Dough: mix together the flour and salt, the make a well in the mixture. Add the yeast and milk, then lightly knead in the scalded grain. Add the butter and briefly knead into a soft, smooth dough. Cover and let rise at room temperature until it has doubled in size, folding and deflating the dough a few times while it rises. If desired, you can also cover and let it sit overnight in a cool place or the refrigerator.
Forming: Place the dough on a work surface and split into 4 equal pieces. Using a little flour, roll each into 50-60 cm long strands. Using two strands at a time, braid two, two-strand loaves. Place the loaves on a parchment-lined baking sheet, cover, and let rise for about 20-30 minutes.
Garnish: If desired, dust the Zopf with a little flour, or brush with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Baking: Place the Zopf in the bottom of an oven preheated to 230 °C. Then immediately turn down the oven temperature to 190 °C. Bake for about 40-45 minutes, then remove from oven and let cool on a cooling rack.
Scalded grain brings more moisture and flavour into the bread. Folding the dough gives stability and support.
The less yeast you use, the longer is needed for the dough to rise. At the same time, the flavour becomes more complex, its shelf life improves and it also becomes easier to digest.
You can use this PureSpelt Zopf recipe as a base recipe. Form your desired shapes, adjusting the baking time as needed.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder