PureSpelt Farmer's Bread (Bauernbrot)
Preliminary time: approx. 12 hours cooling time and approx. 12 hours rising time
Preparation time: approx. 30 minutes
Baking or cooking time: approx. 45 minutes
makes 1 loaf

Scalded Grain (Brühstück)
150 ml water
100 g PureSpelt wholegrain flour
250 g PureSpelt half-white flour
100 g PureSpelt wholegrain flour
approx. 9 g salt
8 g yeast, crumbled
75 ml milk
approx. 100 ml water
1 tbsp plain yogurt
PureSpelt half-white flour for forming
Scalded grain: Boil the water, then pour the boiling water into the flour while stirring constantly; continue to stir until the mixture is smooth and compact. Allow the mixture to cool, cover, and place in the refrigerator overnight.
Dough: Mix together the flour, and salt and make a well in the middle. Mix in the yeast, milk water and yogurt. Knead the scalded grain in lightly to make a smooth dough. Do the window test. Let rise at room temperature for 3-4 hours, occasionally folding or pressing the dough down. Or prepare the dough with only 2 g yeast and after folding or pressing the dough down a few times, let rise overnight in the fridge.
Forming: on a floured work-surface, form the fully-risen dough into a large ball. Either wrap in a floured tea towel or, with the seam facing up, place in a floured proofing basket or in a bowl lined with a floured tea towel. Let rise for approx. 1 hour at room temperature, or place the proofing basket in the fridge for 8-10 hours.
Preheat the oven and baking sheet or pizza/baking stone or cast-iron pot to 250°C conventional (230°C convection) for 20-30 minutes.
Bake: place the risen dough on a piece of parchment paper, dusting with flour (if necessary), and form into a rhombus shape. Immediately place the dough with parchment paper on the hot baking tray/pizza stone or in the very hot cast-iron pot. Cover and bake for 30 minutes in the lower half of the pre-heated oven. Then (if using the pot) open the oven briefly and remove the lid. Reduce the oven temperature to 210/190 °C and bake the bread for 15-20 minutes. Towards the end of the baking time tap the bottom of the bread. If it sounds hollow, or if it has reached a core temperature of 96-98 °C, it is fully baked. Remove and let cool on a cooling rack. Otherwise, extend the baking time as needed.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder