PureSpelt Cornbread Birdies
Preliminary time: approx. 12 hours cooling time, approx. 4 hours rising time
Preparation time: approx. 40 minutes
Baking or cooking time: approx. 25 minutes
makes 16 using a buttered form approx. 25 x 25 cm

Scalded Grain (Brühstück)
150ml/150 g water
100 g PureSpelt half-white flour
400 g PureSpelt half-white flour
100 g fine cornmeal
approx. 12 g salt
1 tsp sugar
5-8 g fresh yeast, crumbled
100 g crème fraîche
approx. 175 ml milk or water, cold
lightly beaten egg
a few corn kernels
black sesame or peppercorns
Scalded grain: Boil the water, then pour the boiling water into the flour while stirring constantly; continue to stir until the mixture is smooth and compact. Allow the mixture to cool, cover, and place in the refrigerator overnight.
Dough: Mix the flour, sweetcorn, salt and sugar, then make a well and add the yeast, crème fraîche and milk or water. Add the scalded grain and knead briefly to form a moist, smooth dough. Cover the dough and let rise at room temperature for 3-4 hours, pressing and folding it several times. Alternatively, prepare the dough with 1-2 g of yeast and, after letting it rise and pressing it down several times, cover and leave in the fridge overnight.
Cut the dough into 16 equal pieces, shape into balls and place in the buttered form. Cover and let rise at room temperature for 30-60 minutes. Brush the dough with egg, make small incisions and insert the corn kernels as beaks, then lay the sesame seeds for eyes on top. Bake for 25-30 minutes in the lower half of an oven preheated to 180 °C convection (200 °C convention). Remove from the oven and serve warm or cool.
If desired, lightly knead 100 g raisins into the dough.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder