PureSpelt flour bread
for 2 loaves

500 g of PureSpelt half-white flour
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
2 tablespoons of dried flower petals according to taste
20 g of yeast, crumbled
1 tablespoon of honey
2-2.5 dl of water
100 g of natural yoghurt
3-4 teaspoons of poppy seeds and a small amount of dried flower petals for decoration
For the dough, mix the flour, salt and dried flower petals. Mix the yeast with the honey and water and add to the flour together with the yoghurt. Briefly knead to a smooth, pliable dough. Cover and allow it to rise until it has doubled in volume.
Roll out a small portion of the dough on poppy seeds and flour until it is 3-4 mm thick. Cut or press out two flower shapes approximately 15 cm in diameter.
Form the remainder of the dough into two round loaf shapes and lay them on a baking paper lined tray. Place one of the poppy-seed-coated flower shapes on top of each of the loaves.
Bake for 30-35 minutes in the lower half of an oven that has been pre-heated to 200°C. Remove and place on a grid to cool; decorate with flower petals as desired.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder