PureSpelt Reindeer biscuits
Preliminary time: approx. 2 hours cooling time
Preparation time: approx. 1 hour
Baking or cooking time: approx. 10 minutes
For approx. 30 biscuits

250 g PureSpelt half-white or white flour
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1 pinch of salt
150 g of butter, cold, cut into pieces
100 g of sugar
1 vanilla stalk, pulp
2 egg yolks
1 sachet of dark cake glaze, approx. 125 g, melted according to the instructions on the sachet
Sugar eyes and red sugar beads
Chocolate sprinkles
For the dough, mix together the flour, cocoa and salt. Add the butter and rub until finely crumbled. Add the sugar, vanilla pulp and egg yolks; fold briefly into a dough, do not knead. Cover and put in a cool place for 1-2 hours.
Roll out the dough with a little flour to a thickness of about 5 mm, cut out the reindeer and place them on the prepared baking tray. Leave to cool for another 30 minutes. Then bake the biscuits for 8-10 minutes in the middle of an oven preheated to 180 °C. Remove them from the oven and allow them to cool on a cake rack.
Decorate the biscuits according to taste.
What else do you need:
Reindeer form cutter with a height of approx. 6 cm.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder