PureSpelt plum flan
for a baking tin of 30-32 cm diameter

Butter for greasing the baking tin
200 g of PureSpelt half-white flour with 20% grain
2 tablespoons of chia or poppy seeds according to taste
¼ teaspoon of salt
3 tablespoons of honey
10 g of yeast
Approx. 1.25 dl of milk
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
40 g of butter, soft
Approx. 800 g of plums, stoned and cut in half
1.25 dl of cream
2 tablespoons of PureSpelt white flour
4-6 tablespoons of raw sugar
4 tablespoons of flaked or ground almonds
Icing sugar for dusting
Dough: Mix together all the ingredients and knead to form a soft, smooth dough. Cover and allow to rise until the mixture has doubled in volume.
Roll out the dough on a smooth surface dusted lightly with flour and lay it in the buttered baking tin. Spread the plumb halves evenly over the dough.
Glaze: Stir together all the ingredients, spread over the plumbs and sprinkle with the flaked or ground almonds.
Bake for 35-40 minutes in the lower half of an oven preheated to 200°C (if possible on the pizza level). Remove from the oven and serve after sprinkling with icing sugar.
Serve with whipped cream or vanilla custard.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder