PureSpelt beetroot spaetzli (dumpling noodles)
to serve 4

300 g of PureSpelt half-white flour
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
1 pinch of nutmeg
3 eggs
Approx. 2 dl beetroot juice
Butter and grated cheese for refining the taste
1/2 leek, cut into rings
A little PureSpelt flour
Cooking butter or olive oil
Batter: Mix together the PureSpelt half-white flour, salt and nutmeg in a bowl and then form a hollow in the mixture. Pour the eggs and beetroot juice into the hollow. Briefly stir the batter, do not beat. Cover the bowl with a cloth and allow to sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Lay the batter in portions on a rinsed cutting board, cut the batter into spaetzli-sized pieces and allow them to fall into lightly boiling salted water or sieve the batter into the water through a special spaetzli (dumpling noodles) maker. Allow the spaetzli/dumpling noodles to simmer until they rise to the top of the water. Use a skimmer to lift out the spaetzli and place them in a dish, refine according to taste using the butter and cheese and then cover the dish and keep it warm. Process the remaining batter in the same way.
Dust the leek rings with flour and fry in the butter or olive oil until they are crispy. Distribute the rings evenly over the spaetzli/dumpling noodles and serve immediately while still hot.
The spaetzli are delicious when served together with a mixed salad, a vegetable platter, meat in a sauce or fish. Instead of beetroot juice use a half and half milk and water mixture or plain milk.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder