PureSpelt Red Cabbage Knöpfli (little dumplings)
Preliminary time: approx. 30 minutes resting time
Preparation time: approx. 40 minutes
serves 4

300 g PureSpelt half-white flour or half-white flour with 20% grist (Schrot)
1 tsp salt
pinch of nutmeg
approx. 175 ml milk/water (half milk, half water)
3 eggs
100 g red cabbage, cut finely (by hand or in a food processor)
some butter flakes to garnish
1 onion, minced
1 tbsp butter
500 g red cabbage, cut finely
approx. 100 ml vegetable stock
2 sprigs of thyme
1 tbsp red currant jelly, if desired
salt and pepper
grated Sbrinz, if desired
thyme to garnish
Knöpfli: In a bowl, mix together the flour, salt and nutmeg, and make a well in the mixture. Add the milk/water, eggs and red cabbage and mix just until combined (don’t beat). Cover and let rest briefly at room temperature.
Red cabbage: Sauté the onion in butter. Add the red cabbage, deglaze with stock, add the thyme and steam, covered, for 20-30 minutes. Remove the thyme, stir in the jelly, and season.
In portions, pass the batter through a dumpling sieve (Knöpflisieb) into barely simmering salted water, then let simmer until the Knöpfli rise to the surface. Remove the Knöpfli with a slotted spoon, drain well, add butter and place in a dish. Place the red cabbage on top, sprinkle with Sbrinz and garnish.
If desired, replace half of the flour with PureSpelt wholegrain flour or PureSpelt ‘Dunst’.
If you don't have a dumpling sieve, put some dumpling batter in portions on a wooden board rinsed in cold water and cut the dumplings into the salt water with a knife. Or you can put the batter into a disposable piping bag, cut off a small tip and use wet scissors to cut small Knöpfli directly into the simmering salt water.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder