PureSpelt tagliatelle with lemon chicken sauce
for 4 people

Lemon chicken sauce
500 g of sliced chicken (Pouletgeschnetzeltes)
Cooking butter
Salt, pepper, paprika
1 lemon, cut in slices
1 onion, finely chopped
1 clove of garlic, pressed
1 dl of white wine or chicken stock
1 dl chicken stock
1.8 dl single cream for sauces
2-3 tablespoon of garden mint, finely chopped
400-500 g of PureSpelt tagliatelle
Salt water
Sprigs of garden mint to garnish
For the sauce, fry the chicken strips in the hot cooking butter in portions, remove from the pan and season to taste.
Briefly fry the lemon slices in the cooking butter, add to the chicken.
Sauté the onion and the garlic in the remaining cooking butter. Deglaze with the wine and/or chicken stock, simmer briefly. Add the single cream; reduce until it has a creamy consistency.
Cook the PureSpelt tagliatelle in boiling salt water until it is al dente, drain.
Add the chicken and the lemon slices to the sauce, heat briefly, do not boil.
Distribute the pasta onto pre-warmed plates. Pour on the lemon chicken sauce, garnish.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder