PureSpelt aniseed-apple porridge
to serve 4

PureSpelt porridge
1.2 l of milk or milk water (half milk/half water)
½ teaspoon of salt
1-2 star anise, prepared according to taste
3-4 tablespoons of raw sugar
250 g of PureSpelt flakes
4 tablespoons of cream
4 tablespoons of ground almonds
4 tablespoons of sugar
50 g of butter
4-6 red-skinned apples, peeled and cored, finely diced
A little apple juice or water
Star anise to decorate
Porridge: Boil the milk or milk-water, stir in the salt, star anise and sugar.
Add the PureSpelt flakes, cook at a medium heat while constantly stirring until the porridge reaches the desired consistency. Mix in the cream and the ground almonds.
Apples: Lightly caramelise the sugar. Add the butter and the diced apples, using a little apple juice or water to cook the apples until they are almost soft. Shortly before serving stir the apples into the PureSpelt porridge, or if desired serve separately.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder