PureSpelt grass frappuccino
Preparation time: approx. 10 minutes
For 4 glasses, each approx. 3 dl

PureSpelt grass frappuccino
6 dl off milk
3-4 tablespoons of brown sugar
3-4 tablespoons of PureSpelt grass powder
4 scoops of vanilla ice cream
200 g of ice cubes
1-1.5 dl of cream, whipped until fluffy
PureSpelt grass powder for sprinkling
To prepare the frappuccino, put all the ingredients into a mixer and mix until the frappuccino has a fluffy whipped consistency. Pour equal measures of the frapaccinno into the four prepared glasses.
Garnish: Distribute the whipped cream in equal measures on top of the frappucinnos, sprinkel with PureSpelt grass powder according to taste and serve immediately.
Sprinkel a few PureSpelt pops on top of the whipped cream topping as desired.
IG Dinkel, Judith Gmür-Stalder